What’s your stopping distance?

Recently I wrote about the importance of having a wind down routine at the end of the day, and a few people have asked about how long the perfect wind down should actually take.  The answer to this (like so many sleep related issues!) is going to be…

Recently I wrote about the importance of having a wind down routine at the end of the day, and a few people have asked about how long the perfect wind down should actually take.

The answer to this (like so many sleep related issues!) is going to be different for everyone and can even differ from night to night... Read on to find out the question that often helps our clients find out the perfect wind down time for them.

What’s your Stopping distance?

I often encourage my clients to think about it like stopping distance. The faster you have been hurtling through the day, the longer it will take to slow down enough to feel ready for sleep.

So, check in with yourself early evening and ask yourself the following questions:

  • What kind of day have I had? How 'fast' have I been going?

  • How am I feeling? (Am I tired and wired, is my body tense, is my mind frantic)

  • How long am I going to need to wind down to a point where my body and mind will feel calm and ready for sleep?

In addition to how long you might need to spend winding down, these questions may also guide the choice of activities you need to help you wind down. If your body is feeling tight and wound up, maybe some gentle stretches or a warm bath will do the trick. If your mind is fizzing with the activities of the day, maybe taking some time to work down all your worries or thoughts, reading a book, or listening to a relaxation track might feel more relaxing.

Cant sleep? Get in touch for a free 15 minute consultation, to see if we could be of help to you and get you back on the path to healthy, restorative sleep.


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