Why you need a wind-down routine (and how to build one).

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In this article we'll touch on why a wind down routine is an essential ingredient in maintaining healthy sleep. We'll share our top tips on how to build a nightly routine that will promote your sleep and circadian health, as well as feel like a treat to look forward to at the end of a long day. 

Sleep loves predictability and routine. Many of us have a morning routine that allows us to slowly wake up (hit snooze, get up, brush teeth, coffee, check news etc) and move from our night's sleep into a day of wakefulness and activity. Fewer of us however have a regular wind down routine and with more of us working from home, creating boundaries between activity/work and rest/sleep may need more intentional support.

Creating a regular and gradual wind down routine trains your body and mind to know when it's time to rest and sleep at the end of the day. Doing this regularly will help you drift off more easily when it's time to sleep. What's more, your sleep quality may improve too.

Here are our top tips to build your own effective wind down routine:

  • Consistency is key. Take care to build a routine that you can keep on a regular basis. Be realistic with will work for you.

  • Put the day to rest. Review anything needed for tomorrow before your wind down period begins. Write any 'to do's and then put it all away for the day.

  • Set a reminder on your phone an hour before bedtime, letting you know it's time to wind down and move from daytime and evening activities to night.

  • Relax into your wind down time. Protect this time for activities that are enjoyable, but not too stimulating. As best you can, try to avoid making their goal to 'make you sleepy' (this never works!). Some ideas you might like to try include taking a bath, reading a book, meditating, or listening to calming music.

  • Reduce screen time during this period, if possible. This will minimise the amount of blue light exposure and allow your body to switch on your darkness hormone, melatonin (another friend to healthy sleep). Dimming the lights in your environment can also send your body that all important message that sleep time is on the horizon.

  • Treat this time as a gift to yourself, a reward for all the efforts you've made during the day.

Good luck! As always, if you need any help or support with your sleep, just get in touch. We're here to help.


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