The Healthy Sleep Course
This simple, evidence-based online course will help you find a safe and effective path to healthy and restorative sleep.
This course is for you if:
You struggle to fall asleep, or you find yourself awake in the night and unable to get back to sleep
You wake up much earlier that you’d like to
You can’t switch off a busy or worried mind
You wake up feeling unrefreshed after a night’s sleep
You’re fed up of feeling that your functioning in the day (e.g. motivation, creativity, or concentration) is being affected by poor sleep
You rely on medications or remedies to help you to sleep and you’d like to learn how to sleep naturally
You generally have good sleep habits (sometimes called sleep hygiene) but sleep still doesn’t feel optimal
You’d just like to learn how to get a healthy and restorative night’s sleep!
Poor sleep is linked to a whole range of difficulties, including decreased productivity and creativity, low mood and anxiety, as well as numerous health difficulties. So many of us invest in our health and wellbeing through diet and fitness, yet 1 in 3 of us struggles to get enough quality sleep (National Sleep Foundation, 2018) and 1 in 10 of us has insomnia. This course is here to help change that and help you get the restful, quality sleep you deserve!
Sleep can be disrupted by a whole range of factors, including environmental and lifestyle factors (e.g the way your bedroom is set up, parenting or caring duties), travel or work schedules (shift work or regular travel causing jet lag), psychological issues (e.g. anxiety, stress at work, low mood, bereavement), and physical problems (e.g. medications, illness).
The beauty of this modular course is that you are in control. You can work at your own pace and choose the modules that feel most relevant to you, all from the comfort of your own home.
Holly says
“I’ve put all my experience and expertise into this affordable package, to help you get your sleep on track, in your own way and at your own pace. As a behavioural sleep medicine specialist and Clinical Psychologist, I’ll bring you not only all of the key sleep science that you need, but I’ll also share a whole range of tips and tricks to calm a busy or worried mind.
I’ll walk you through everything you need to know using simple, actionable, and evidence based techniques.
Most people start to see improvements in just a few nights. And with a 30 day money back guarantee if it doesn’t work for you, what have you got to lose?”
The beauty of learning in this online format is that you can take the course at your own pace. Depending on your own personal sleep picture, you may want to take a little longer on some aspects of the course and less on others.
Most people will see changes within a few nights, if you are really following the course, but I would recommend allowing up to 4 weeks to really see the benefits and work through all of the material.
Quite simply, yes. This is a common form of sleep disruption (sometimes referred to as maintenance insomnia) and can respond really well to the approaches covered in this course.
Yes, of course. Lots of people with sleeping difficulties take medicines to help them to sleep. The trouble is they often don’t work that well, or can make you feel worse in the long run. Within this course, I’ll teach you all the strategies you’ll need to create a healthy night’s sleep. I’ll also let you know how you can wean yourself off your medications, should you wish to.
Yes! A big component of this course focuses on how the mind can disrupt sleep. As a Clinical Psychologist, I’ll teach you strategies you won’t be able to access on other sleep courses. You’ll learn how to calm a busy mind as well as how to soothe and quieten a worried mind, using a whole range of simple and effective strategies.
CBT for insomnia is the gold standard treatment for insomnia, however there are currently very few people in the UK who are trained to a high enough level to deliver this therapy. As a result there is a lot of misinformation out there about sleep and CBT. This course is CBTi plus! It contains all the components of CBTi that the science has shown to be effective, plus a whole range of psychological techniques to work with busy and stressed out minds.
I’m so confident in this course, that we are offering a 30 day money back guarantee if you do not find the course helpful for you. So there’s nothing to lose!
When you log into the course, there is a place you can submit questions and receive feedback from Holly and The Sleep Practice team. You’ll therefore get ongoing support as you work your way through the course.
If you would prefer more intensive 1:1 support alongside the course, you can book individual sessions with Dr Holly Milling, who can support and guide you as you work through the process. Just drop us a line at hello@thesleeppractice.com if you would like to arrange this.